Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dear Governor O'Malley

Dear Governor O'Malley,

The Maryland horse industry is going down the crapper. The Maryland Jockey Club has canceled the Pimlico Special (Grade I) due to a shortage in available purse money, live racing days are being cut back every year, and our marquee track, Pimlico is a dilapidated hunk of metal in the middle of the ghetto.

Our neighbors to the north (Pennsylvania and Delaware) are expanding gambling in order to increase tax revenue and rejuvenate the multi-billion dollar horse industry. Pennsylvania has changed the rules for "Pennsylvania Bred" status, forcing owners and breeders to move horses and breeding operation to their state in order to reap the benefits of slot machines. Hence, Maryland is losing jobs, and tax revenue. Delaware has had slot machines for years, but now they are talking about legalized sports betting. I don't know if you are aware of this, but sports betting has generated a great deal of revenue for the state of Nevada. It is very possible that this revenue stream would be used to boost the already successful horse industry in Delaware. Once again, hurting the weak and frail Maryland horse industry. Finally, our friends to the west in West Virgina are going to try to keep up with the Joneses. They are pretty close to approving table games. If you have not picked up on the theme of this letter, this will also hurt the Maryland horse industry.

Partisan politics prevented our great state from approving slot machines over the last four years. We (fans of horse racing, owners, and breeders) had hoped that you would be the great savior of our beloved sport. Unfortunately, you have not even put slot machines (or anything that would help horse racing) on the table. So in conclusion, I ask you to OPEN YOUR FUCK'IN EYES, and see what is happening to horse racing and the thousands of jobs and billions of dollars that make up the industry in your state.

Love and Kisses,

P.S. The Preakness stakes could be moved to Gulfstream quicker than the Colts left town in the 80's.


Pjon10 said...

Well Done. CLAP, CLAP, CLAP.

Anonymous said...

I would point out that Gulfstream is not open when the Preakness is run but I am sure that the Gov. has his head shoved too far up his ass to notice.


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