Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday Morning and Everything has Changed

It is Monday morning in Baltimore, and everything you read about horse racing in Maryland has changed since last Friday. The great slot proposal by the Governor has changed, the number of machines have changed, where they are going has changed, and so on. Here are some bullet point od what we think we know about slots in Maryland.

- A referendum will be put to the people next November (one year from now for lobbyist to spend lots of money on bad commercials) to decide if slots will be legal in Maryland.

- The total number of machines is now over 15,000 (total) at 5 locations

- The machines will be owned by the state, and operated by Magna, I mean a n entity other than the state.

- The operator will receive 5.5% of the profits

- All horse racing (training, racing,etc) will be canceled on Friday so the horse industry can load everyone on buses to demonstrate outside the State House.

- Pimlico was no included in the slot locations, and will be closed for good! State and Magna will fight over who "owns" the Preakness Stakes, Slots will be the bargaining chip!

Stay tuned. It should be an interesting week!

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